Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Vodafone launches InsideOut

I read an article today about InsideOut, a product Vodafone launched in SecondLife. So I checked it out. I need to say I am impressed. What I have found there may be the most serious attempt of a RL company to do business in SecondLife.
InsideOut is a HUD attachment for SecondLife that will let you contact your buddies from SL even if they are not logged in. By contact I mean you can send them SMS messages and you can ... ATTENTION ... call them, on their rl cellphone. The important thing here is that neither your cellphone number nor your buddy cellphone number will not be revealed. This can be done using a pool of numbers from Germany.
The best part is that until december, you can try this for free. You will pay after this. So, what you're waiting for ? Get your virtual-real cellphone now here.

Some pics from there :Vodafone InsideOut SIM

Information on how to get the InsideOut Hud Attachment

The vendor where you can get the attachment

The InsideOut Hud Attachment

The minimized InsideOut HUD Attachment

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